LEAD Release Notes
Version 6.34.0 (2024-02-04)
New Features to 6.34.0
Major performance enhancements on My Learners to be able to load the view faster when the Place Group has a lot of Users
Improvements to Course Management:
Changed “course” to “class” in all user interfaces seen when managing In-Person and Remote Courses
Added the ability to change the Class’s type – can now go from In-Person to Remote and vice versa
Added a “URL” column to the table of Classes seen on the index view which opens the single view of the Class/Course in a new tab when clicked
When a Class is deleted, all associated Users will now get an email notifying them that the event is canceled
Added the ability to view and edit Listing Requests in the Admin (Nova) interface
Currently, only the requested unit count can be edited
Added the ability to display a required searchable dropdown on the Group Registration: Buy Tickets view
This can be configured with a new field (“Registration Location Types”) in the create/edit form for Groups in the Admin interface
If a User marks themselves as “Unable to attend” an In-Person or Remote Class that they’ve added to a Collection, that Class will be automatically removed from the Collection
If a User clicks “Cancel” in the modal that appears after they’ve added an In-Person or Remote Class to their Collection in a Learning Path curriculum, the Class will be removed from the Collection
For Communities scoped to only one Place/Group, the Learning page has been modified to also display the Learning items for Parents of the Place/Group
Categories and tags displayed in the filter sidebar on Dashboard and Browse now appear in alphabetical order
Added ability to press Enter to submit Magic Link form on the Login view
Bug Fixes to 6.34.0
Fixed bug that was adding all Users in a Group to its Parent Group when “Users should auto-join Parent Group when this Group is joined” was checked – should only add Users who are Members, not any User
Fixed bug that improperly gave Users access to Premium Courses when the “Participate” action was clicked from the Course’s invite email
Fixed bug that redirected Users to an error page when the “Participate” action was clicked from the Course’s invite email
Fixed the behavior of the bookmark icon button on Resource Library single views so it’s clearer when the Library has been bookmarked successfully
Fixed bug that improperly filtered Users on My Groups when multiple “Progress” filters were applied
Fixed bugs that would cause the change to not save properly when a “Yes” field changed to “No” on edit in Course/Class Management
Fixed bug that displayed Mentee cards on a Mentor’s dashboard with the “Action Required” label even if no action was required
Fixed bug that didn’t properly mark Assignment Submissions as needing review for Mentors viewing a Mentee’s Learning Path curriculum view
Fixed issue with “Triggered by” labels displaying “Unknown” on Triggered Learning Paths displayed in My Groups
Fixed bug that redirected Users to a 404 page when they visited a completion URL for a scoped In-Person or Remote Course/Class
Fixed bug that was allowing Local Group Leaders to see too many Users when viewing the My Groups view
Fixed bug that prevented Instructors from adding Users to Classes in Class Management
Fixed bug with displaying Learning items attached to an Assignment Submission
Version 6.33.0 (2024-01-22)
New Features to 6.33.0
Improved nested list styles for descriptions written in WYSIWYGs appearing throughout the app
Bug Fixes to 6.33.0
Fixed an issue where completed Courses would sometimes show as incomplete in a Collection
Fixed an issue where Learning Paths were not able to be added on a Resource/Resource Pack’s detail view in the Admin dashboard
Other various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.32.0 (2024-01-08)
New Features to 6.32.0
Improved look, feel, and functionality of the Calendar
Added In-Person and Remote Course sessions to the Calendar
UI overhaul – most importantly, improvements to the way individual events are displayed when they or the date cells are clicked
Category and Tag filtering options
Added option to use new email notification template for Task assignment notification
This new template will simply use the Task’s name as the email’s subject and Task’s description as the email’s body
Added confirmation modal when creating or editing a Task which informs you of number of Users who will be assigned the Task
Added the ability to search Groups by zip code
Altered Listings so that when no units are available the Listing can still be seen.
Bug Fixes to 6.32.0
Fixed a bug resulting in Assignment notifications being sent to reviewers who shouldn’t have received them
Fixed a bug with scoping Learning Path reports to the correct Learners
Other various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.31.0 (2024-12-18)
New Features to 6.31.0
Improvements to Communities scoped only to one Group or one Place (or a combination):
Separated these Communities to their own section (My Groups) on My Community’s home view
Added Learning content under its own inner nav option (Learning) from the Group and/or Place (e.g. Learning Paths and Authorizable learning items)
Displaying the Group’s or Place’s Featured Image in the header section on the Community’s view, if one is set (prioritizing the Group’s if both are set)
Added ability to bookmark Resource Libraries which will show up on the Dashboard under My Resources
Users who have bookmarked Resource Libraries will receive a weekly email rollup to notify them of new Resources and Packs
Added new Not Attending status for Users' associated with In-Person & Remote Courses. This can be set manually or triggered by the User from the app or an invite email
Added more information, better styling, and the ability to RSVP from In-Person & Remote Course invite emails
Added Resource Library Types to organize the Resources home page (includes a default Type that all existing Resources and Packs will be added to automatically)
Added the ability to enforce a minimum length of time spent on a Course
Bug Fixes to 6.31.0
Fixed a bug causing incorrect dates in some Learning Path reports
General stylistic changes to improve readability
Other various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.30.0 (2024-12-03)
New Features to 6.30.0
Added an icon to indicate ticket purchasers (Originators) on the My Groups view
Added logic to restore old user accounts instead of creating new ones when a deleted User’s email is used to register
All Courses can now have a Completion Questionnaire specified
Added users' highest permission/role to the Directory table
Improved the transition from one Learning Path to a “Next Learning Path” or a “Triggered Learning Path”
Improved Group License logic so that non-members are not included in filled seat counts
Added ability to “Enable Dual Credit” on Courses, which you can then associate to a Remote or In Person Course session via Course Management. This will cause session completion to trigger completion of the “Dual Credit Course”
Added ability to press Enter to submit Forgot Password form
Bug Fixes to 6.30.0
Fixed a bug causing Tasks to be assigned to all Place members when it should be scoped by Team Role
Fixed a bug prevent reports for a Local Group Leader’s Groups from being automatically scoped to their Group(s)
Fixed a bug that allowed Local Leaders to view irrelevant learners
Fixed several minor bugs on the User Profile
Lists in email bodies now show in black font
Fixed several Group Registration (with tickets) bugs
Other various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.29.0 (2024-11-21)
New Features to 6.29.0
Added ability to add Users who are sub-profiles of other Users on Course Management
Improved styles for dropdown options to no longer restrict the width and truncate the label
Adjusted the Learning Path settings for Users who are able to review Assignment Submissions
Now able to select from the following (all are selected by default):
Global Leaders
Local Leaders and Local Group Leaders
Group Managers
The User roles selected will be the only ones able to review the Assignment Submissions and who will receive notifications about the Submissions, revisions, and comments
Added audio player for Resources which have an audio file/MIME type
Added new Team Role option which can make Users assigned to the Team Role a Leader Manager
Leader Managers are able to see a limited view of My Learners, which limits the Learners they can see to only Local Leaders, Local Group Leaders, Membership Managers, and other Leader Managers
Leader Managers are able to edit the profiles of the Users they can see on the My Learners view
Various changes and improvements on Questionnaire Management’s single Questionnaire view:
Added ability to filter submissions by Submission Date
For CSVs generated on this view:
Converted “Place(s)” column to multiple columns, grouping Place names by Location Type
Changed default “- No Response -” value indicating no response to just “—”
Separated the date and time from “Submission Date” column into their own columns
Bug Fixes to 6.29.0
Updated finish account URL copy styles on Invites table in My Learners
Fixed issue with Course Management where selecting “No Image” wouldn’t properly reflect selected option when editing the Course
Optimized User selection dropdowns in Nova
Version 6.28.0 (2024-11-16)
Bug Fixes to 6.28.0
Fixed issue where coupons appeared to apply on premium Group ticket purchases but didn’t change the totals nor the amount charged
Fixed issue where removing participant on Group Registration which utilized a ticket wouldn’t remove the participant from the ticket on Manage Tickets view
Version 6.27.0 (2024-11-05)
New Features to 6.27.0
Added “No Image” option for selecting featured images on courses in Course Management
Further improvements to validation on User Imports
White-spaces automatically trimmed, better enforcement of email validation and first/last name in the uploaded CSVs
Added Notification Management for Learning Path completion notifications for Admin Users
Improved name sorting for Resources to be a more natural sorting type
Now requiring DOB on all User registrations
Updated Finish Account step for invited Users to ensure newly invited Users do not miss it
Performance improvements and optimizations for My Groups
Bug Fixes to 6.27.0
Fixed filter by Initial Learning in My Groups
Updated styles on PDF preview Resources
Fixed Dashboard notification for Users who are unauthorized via a Group Dependency only
Fixed the Country Code placeholder in phone number inputs, will default to “1” when no value is present
Places now have their own filter in the Directory, instead of showing up in “Groups: Other”
Fixed issues with Manual Completions not working for Learning Paths and Pathables on User Profile
Fixed issue with Assignment Restrictinos
Fixed style issues on removal requests
Fix style issues of Subscribe & Save on Learning Path and Course views
Fixed Download All button not showing up on mobile in Questionnaire Management
Fixed issue with Reset Password on User Profile linking to Dashboard when logged in
Version 6.26.0 (2024-10-23)
New Features to 6.26.0
My Learners: Invites enhancements:
Added pagination functionality to the table
Added “Finish Account” link-copy icon to the table
Groups appearing in the dropdown in the Invite modal will no longer contain any Child Groups of other Places
Optimized querying on Directory view which allowed the search input to be enabled at all times, regardless of total user count
Added ability to set order on Resource Libraries
Added ability to select specific Users to be the only Users with access to a particular Questionnaire’s Responses' sensitive data
This must be set in the environment file for the LEAD instance – please contact Fivable to be able to set this
Cannot be bypassed by impersonating the User
Added more details related to the import in the success email received after an import initiated on My Learners has completed
Bug Fixes to 6.26.0
Fixed various bugs related to Premium Groups using the “Tickets” premium type and their associated Listing Types, Listings, and Listing Requests
Fixed bug related to the improper tracking of learning duration (“Time Spent”) on Courses belonging to Learning Path curriculums
Fixed bug related to improper restoration of progress for Storyline Assets on Courses
Other various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.25.0 (2024-10-08)
New Features to 6.25.0
Added the ability to bulk-import Users to a Group via CSV upload on My Learners
Added the ability to customize the columns on the My Groups table, including some new column options
Enabled the selection of more than one additional Group for My Learners > Invite Learner
Added dedicated Questionnaire Field for SSN and made other minor improvements to Questionnaires
Added ability to set default sorting on a Resource Library
Extended (limited) access to My Groups to Local Leaders
Added support for viewing Resource PDFs within LEAD (as opposed to opening or downloading the file directly)
Improved several general aspects of LEAD’s appearance and UI
Several minor improvements to Ticket-based Group Registration
Bug Fixes to 6.25.0
Fixed an issue with Learning Path items' descriptions being truncated too aggressively when there is no image
Handled edge cases in multi-page Questionnaire validation
Fixed a sorting bug for Resource Libraries
Various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.24.0 (2024-09-18)
New Features to 6.24.0
Added a new payment paradigm using Tickets for Group Registration, which supports all payment options except tiered pricing. Users purchase Tickets up-front which can be used to add participants, send Tickets to other Users, and much more. Please inquire for further details
Added a new Group Registration feature called Listings, which allows you to manage any type of “slots” that registrants may need to request/claim, such as allowing participants to request hotel rooms for a conference. Please inquire for further details
Added the ability to download a CSV of Users from My Groups
Added a Learners' Places to the Questionnaire Responses table and CSV download.
Applied several visual UI alterations to make curriculum items and more smoother in appearance, particularly when no featured image is selected.
Added a Number field for Questionnaires
Bug Fixes to 6.24.0
Fixed an issue preventing Group Leaders from creating Questionnaires
Fixed visual issues with Course Management on mobile screens
Fixed an issue causing Courses hidden from Dashboard/Browse to 404 when visited directly
Various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.23.0 (2024-09-04)
New Features to 6.23.0
Updated Questionnaires' “First and Last Name” field to the “Name” field, which allows you to optionally request more information, such as middle name, suffix, and salutation.
Added Questionnaire field “Address” to simplify including a full set of address fields.
Improved look and feel of Questionnaire User Reports
Added ability to preview Questionnaire User Reports when creating or editing a Questionnaire
Added new Questionnaire create/edit section “View-only Access”, which allows you to specify conditions for giving leaders (managers, local leaders, holders of team roles) view-only access to specific Questionnaires
Made Questionnaire title clickable on Questionnaire Management table (opens the management view for the Questionnaire)
Changed default text for User and Place names on Recognitions to black (instead of blue)
Bug Fixes to 6.23.0
Fixed an issue where modals (such as Questionnaire submission confirmation) would behave strangely when stacked
Various minor bug fixes and enhancements
Version 6.22.0 (2024-08-20)
New Features to 6.22.0
More updates for Questionnaires:
In downloaded CSVs of Questionnaire submissions, we now display signatures and file uploads as URLs which link to an image of the signature or uploaded file
For “Email (Public)” fields in Questionnaires, we’ve added an option to enable a call to action for inviting the submitting user to create an account
New “Allow Printing” option for Questionnaires. This can be enabled to allow Users to download a copy of the Questionnaire for physical copy submissions
***BETA*** New “Generate User Report” option. When enabled, Questionnaire Response reports will be sent to the User after submitting a Questionnaire. Users can review their submission on a new page, as well as download a PDF copy of their response. Please note this feature is functional but is still in development and not fully complete or designed and not intended for public use.
Users who manage Questionnaires will have access to new Report options for Questionnaire Fields to provide feedback and explanations for Fields to the User, as well as suggest Learning Paths and Courses for the User to take based on their response.
Additional measures for ensuring federal compliance of signatures collected via Questionnaires
Added options to create a tiered pricing structure for Premium Groups
Refer to Stripe’s guide for some details on tiered pricing
Supports volume-based pricing, where the charge for each participant corresponds to the final tier reached
Tiered pricing settings are configured in Nova alongside all other premium settings for a Group
Added option to exit and log out when attempting to un-impersonate as a sub-profile user – this will be useful for users with sub-profiles who have used the magic link to log in or who have forgotten their password
Add setting on Courses to prevent learners' access to the Course’s content after its completion
When a user has earned a certificate for completion of a Learning Path, they are now emailed to inform them of this and are provided a link to the certificate in the email
Error pages now include the app header and footer when an error has been encountered while the user is logged in
404 error pages now match the design of other errors and provide a link to return to the homepage when the user is logged in or to return to login when the user is not logged in
When viewing a Learning Path’s curriculum on the User Profile, we now properly display the selected items for Collections
When manually completing a Learning Path on the User Profile, we now handle cases of unfilled Collection slots so the Learning Path can reach 100% curriculum completion
Added “Active” and “Inactive” filter groups in the Directory view which have the following options:
Active: Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last 12 months
Inactive: Over 30 days, Over 90 days, Over 12 months, Always
“Always” will retrieve users who have no recorded activity in the app
For the registration view for a Premium Group which allows adding other users, a line has been added below the participants in the payment section to display the total
Improvements for coupon entry on the registration view for a Premium Group, as well as clearer indication when a coupon has been applied
Bug Fixes to 6.22.0
Fixed issue of not properly updating the Group Registration view in the case of a sub-profile user completing Stripe payment for a Premium Group
Fixed issue of being able to click the Magic Link button on the login view multiple times, resulting in multiple emails being sent containing the Magic Link
Fixed issue where the index view of Resource Libraries is displayed at the
URL when there’s only one not-hidden Resource Library
Version 6.21.0 (2024-08-07)
New Features to 6.21.0
We have a lot of new features for Questionnaires this release!
Added a Page Break field. Questionnaires can now be broken up into multiple pages by adding a Page Break field in between your fields.
We added a new Likert Table field! Now you can group together multiple questions for a Likert response on a single table field in Questionnaires.
Users can now save their progress while doing a Questionnaire. Users will be able to see a new save icon on Questionnaires, allowing them to save an in-progress Questionnaire and return at a later date and finish the Questionnaire.
Questionnaires can now be duplicated in Questionnaire Management. Similar to Course Management, Questionnaires can now be duplicated while viewing the table in Questionnaire Management or while editing a single Questionnaire.
We added an AI Assistant on the Questionnaire Management single view! Users will now have access to an AI Assistant, to aid with the management of the Questionnaire they’re viewing.
This feature is in Beta, please let us know if you have any feedback while using it!
Speak to Fivable about enabling this feature for your instance.
The submitted date is now included on CSV downloads of Questionnaire Submissions
Extending coupon auto-apply functionality to Group Registration
Added option to be able to apply fixed amount coupons per participant in Group Registration
Added an option on Products to auto-join Users to a Group
Added the option on Group Registration In Progress Cards on the Dashboard to delete the User’s Registration
Moved the Course Restart CTA to the Context Menu on Courses in Curriculum and added a confirmation dialogue to prevent users from accidentally resetting their Course Progress
Bug Fixes to 6.21.0
No longer allowing sub-profiles to create and add a Family Member during Group Registration
Now they get auto-added as the Registrant when starting Group Registration
Fixed an issue with showing Dashboard Hero if it links to an asset that has User Scoping
Fixed sorting by submitted date on Questionnaire Mgmt
Fixed an issue in My Tasks when filtering by Overdue, a single task would show up multiple times
Fixed an issue where the Completed Registration Card was lingering on the User’s Dashboard when it no longer should
We’re now displaying Questionnaire Responses for multi-select and drop-down fields in a more User-friendly way
Fixed an issue where new Family Members were not inheriting Places when the option was selected
Curriculum styles were cleaned up on User Profile
On Courses in Nova, Completion Questionnaire changed to non-required field
Fixed overlapping labels for Courses that are both Remote and Electives
Fixed an issue where Users could access Premium Link Resources when the link was clicked
Fixed an issue where creating/updating Questionnaires with an LP attached would error
Fixed LP Certificates always regenerating themselves when Print Certificate was clicked
Several server-side improvements and exception fixes
Version 6.20.0 (2024-07-16)
New Features to 6.20.0
Made Resources and Resource Packs publicly accessible, similar to Learning Paths and Courses, in a preview format
Admins, Global Leader, and Mentors can now view a read-only preview of Course content
Mentors are only able to view this from their Mentee’s Learning Paths
Admins and Global Leaders can now manually complete Courses and Learning Paths for Users via the User Profile
Visit the Courses table and Learning Path curriculum on a User’s Profile to find the new control
Added a Detail modal for Learning Path curriculum
When viewing a Learning Path, use the context menu to view details about your selected learning material
Resource Download links now open in a new tab, to avoid interrupting your learning
On the Participants table in Course Management, users who have only bookmarked the Course will now be distinguished by the “Interested” status
Users' time spent viewing a Course will now be tracked and stored, made viewable on their User Profile
Bug Fixes to 6.20.0
Fixed issue when creating a new Course via Course Management, unable to reach Hide from Dashboard and Browse step
Fixed issues with Custom Tag Filters for Resources
Fixed issue where certain Team Roles were circumventing Licensing Rules
Fixed issues with adding a User to Groups and Places via Edit User Profile
Version 6.19.0 (2024-07-02)
New Features to 6.19.0
Added ability to set email logo for a Group via My Learners
This will be used in Group-specific emails in place of the default email logo, same as the feature added in the previous release that was initially only available for management on the backend
Anywhere the LEAD placeholder email was being displayed for sub-profile Users has been replaced with a link to the Creator User’s profile
Added column for displaying Child Groups for Users in My Groups table view
The column will only appear if the Group being viewed has them
Added a button to allow for escaping from the email verification screen and returning to login
Optimized Assignment Submissions view and added a field for filtering by creation date
Added feature to block Course completion pending completion of associated Questionnaire
Added ability to notify Users appearing in Course Management detail view
Removed redundant date-time displayed on registered In-Person and Remote Courses with only one session in Learning Path curriculum
Added ability to attach Users to Instructor entities, which allows those Users to view a limited view of Course Management for Courses associated with the Instructor
Added ability to associate Collections to a Course in Course Management
Added ability to hide Course from Dashboard and Browse in Course Management
Bug Fixes to 6.19.0
Fixed issue where Team Role remained associated with assignee Users after Team Role was deleted
Fixed issue where Admin and Global Leaders who were Reviewers for a Group were not able to see Assignment Submissions in Learning Paths where Submissions are restricted to Reviewers
Fixed issue where Featured Image wasn’t set in Questionnaire Management create or edit
Fixed style issues with Tincans and other Courses, Assignments, etc on mobile
Fixed issue where capacity set on Course or Event Date within Course wouldn’t properly restrict access to Users attempting to register for the Course/Event Date
Version 6.18.0 (2024-06-18)
New Features to 6.18.0
Added instance-configurable option to include a “help email” on Forgot Password
Improved visibility of various roles and permissions within Groups such as Mentors, Reviewers, and Group Managers (icons and filters corresponding to these roles for instance)
Added ability to set an email logo on a Group, which will be used in Group-specific emails in place of the default email logo
Many general improvements and UI overhaul to Course Management > Participants table
Improved functionality of manually adding a User to a Course in Course Management, including the ability to set their status and event date (when applicable)
Improved Remote Course Joined email to include more relevant details
Improved the Mentor experience significantly, including the ability to directly add Mentors to Groups as well as allowing Mentors to view all of their Mentees and Manage Learning via Group Management
Registering for a Remote/In-Person Course that belongs to a Collection will now automatically fill an empty slot in any relevant Collection in the User’s Learning Paths. This is communicated to the User when registering.
Many other minor improvements to the user experience
Bug Fixes to 6.18.0
Fixed issue where Group Managers could not see child Groups they manage if they did not also manage the parent Groups
Fixed issue where invoices paid on the day of invoicing were not having their membership dates updated correctly
Fixed issues with Questionnaire Management pagination
Fixed an issue where new Family members promoted to independent profiles would receive duplicate “New Relationship” emails
Fixed an issue with Completion Date accuracy on Course Management
Fixed an issue with scoping various Learning items to Places
Version 6.17.0 (2024-06-04)
New Features to 6.17.0
Added ability to include descendants when restricting by Place on In-Person Courses and Remote Courses
Performance improvements for Team Roles, Places, and Groups
Including more contextual info on Questionnaires about which User the submission is for
Switching default Date Picker style on Questionnaires
Updated Email Confirmation page, for less confusion
Adding max character length for Remote Course URLs
Updated the workflow for creating a new IPC/Remote Course to decrease confusion when setting session capacity and defining requirements
Bug Fixes to 6.17.0
Fixed issue where Invited Learners were not getting added to Parent Groups when added to a Group (when auto-add to parents enabled)
Fixed issue with being unable to remove User as a Local Leader
Collection Drawer now opening automatically when a Collection is the next Pathable in a Learning Path
Updated the display of Remote and IPC items in a Learning Path to reflect sensibly when no upcoming event dates are available
Fixed issue with File Upload fields on Questionnaires not behaving properly when set to optional
Fixed issue where email notifications for Remote Course signup were not getting sent
Fixed issue with displaying Tasks that required a signature
Fixed nav menu on mobile, was displaying wrong items in nav
Fixed issue with Coupons being applied improperly when purchasing for multiple participants during Group Registration
Version 6.16.1 (2024-05-21)
New Features to 6.16.1
Authorization Expiration Date has been added to the My Group table for Group Management
Individual sessions can now be marked complete manually for Courses that require all sessions
Group Registration now has improved feedback when Questionnaires are completed
Renewal Opportunities now filter out anything that cannot be completed by the authenticated User
Bug Fixes to 6.16.1
You no longer have to confirm somebody is over 13 unless making an independent account
Fixed an issue preventing a Learning Path from loading with a pre-requisite Collection
Mentor’s can now click to view an Assignment Submission on their Mentees' Learning Paths again
Several issues related to QR Code Completion PDFs for Courses have been resolved
Various improvements to UI feedback
Version 6.16.0 (2024-05-13)
New Features to 6.16.0
Learners will now receive updated Learning Path content by default when creating a new Learning Path
Questionnaire submissions collected during Group Registration are viewable by Group Managers in Group Management view
Added registered date to the Remote Course and In-Person Course cards found on the Dashboard
Added ability to edit Location of Groups in the detail view of Nova
Adding Hyperlink format to WYSIWYG for messaging learners
Added the Reviewer ability to Groups
The role can be granted to a User by viewing the Group and finding the User in the Users table (similar to assigning a User as a Manager).
Learning Paths now have a new option for Assignment review restrictions. Setting this to values “Matches” and “Reviewers” will change who receives and reviews Assignment Submissions when Users complete Assignments in the Learning Path
Reports now have a default “End Date”
Now obfuscating email addresses on My Family when adding Users to increase User Privacy
Added upcoming sort option when viewing Pathables to add to a Collection on Learning Paths
Added Report Issue link to the Management Nav
Bug Fixes to 6.16.0
Fixed issue with Group Registration bypassing required Questionnaire
Fixed issue where creating an IPC as a Local Leader didn’t restrict the IPC to the LL’s Place and 404’d on submission
Added a missing TOS checkbox on Finish Account Registration form
Fixed issue where Resources were locked in the Learning Path Single view when they shouldn’t be
Fixed Questionnaire success message when re-submitting after filling in required fields
Fixed Calendar dates for midnight not showing up on the Calendar
Fixed Registrants in a Group that are not yet members are showing up in the Directory view
Fixed multiple issues with Group Registration
Issues signing up to Groups that have Child Groups
Issues with Registration Process being skipped after payment
Issue with Create Account modal resolved
Issue showing wrong Initial Learning Paths when joining
Fixed style issues on My Family
Updates to minimum age requirements for consistency across all places of registration
Fixed issue with task scoping for Local Leaders
Fixed issue where Course Management view was showing times in UTC instead of local timezone
Fixed mobile style issues in Learning Path curriculum
Fixed issue during Course Creation where capacity was being asked after already setting per-session capacities
Removed “+Member” action from My Family sup-profiles while logged in (Sub-Profile users should not be able to manage their own My Family until they are independent accounts)
Fixed counts of My LEAD “Serving” donut charts
Fixed showing of registered event date cards for IPC/Remote courses on Dashboard and Browse
Fixed style issues of video embeds using Wistia on Resources
Added ability for My Family managers to edit sub-profiles after promoting a sup-profile, up until the promoted sup-profile completes their registration
Fixed My Family owner/manger not able to edit their own profile from the My Family view
Fixed issues with Learning Path reports
Fixed issues with $0 membership auto-renewals
Fixed issues with some Communities not loading
Fixed issue where Filtering by Tags and Categories on Dashboard/Browse were not working
Fixed misc. server exceptions and performance improvements
Version 6.15.0 (2024-04-23)
New Features to 6.15.0
New Group/Team Role option added: Membership Manager
This will only appear for instances having Products which create memberships
Streamlines the initial invoicing and replacement of billed individual for memberships
Added Magic Link functionality
Users can now login via Magic Link
This can be found in the “Forgot Password” workflow on the Login Page. Requesting a Magic Link will send the User a time-sensitive URL that will log them into LEAD.
Modified email subject and body slightly for notification that’s sent when new User is invited and assigned to Subscription seat
New email notifications for existing User assigned to or removed from Subscription seat
Added security measures for Questionnaire Responses
Removed ability to view content for Responses in Nova
Added logging for access and downloads
Encrypted the content in the database
Added option to Groups to enable auto-joining of Parent Group when Group is joined
Added option to Learning Paths to enable auto-enrolling in single-session In-Person and Remote Courses that are part of the Learning Path’s curriculum when the Learning Path is joined
Added options for sending reminder notifications for In-Person and Remote Courses either one hour or 24 hours before the event (where either or both can be disabled)
Standardized minimum age requirement environment variable to apply to sub-profile elevation (instead of just registration)
Instead of listing numbers for each type of pathable at the top of a Learning Path single view, we are now displaying a count of all available items beside the label “Modules”
New User Registration: Instances where City and Place were once collected in a modal before collecting the rest of the registration information now have the collection of City and Place as part of the regular registration form – modal interruption for City and Place has been removed completely
Assignment Review: User’s name now links to their profile
User Profile: Group names now link to their Group Mgmt view (for Admin and Global Leader Users only)
Removed references to Virtus, Training Date, and Background Check date on instances where those things are not relevant
Various improvements to My Family management workflows
Style and functionality improvements for setting Event Dates and their details in Course Management (create and edit)
Bug Fixes to 6.15.0
Fixed bug which prevented Local Leaders and Local Group Leaders from creating Tasks
Fixed bug where various fields became disabled after entering a valid email when elevating sub-profile to full profile in My Family
Added coupon field to Group Registration view (when applicable)
Fixed bug where registering a new user from Group Registration public view did not close the modal and redirect to email verification view on success
Fixed style and functionality bugs with Collections on mobile views
Version 6.14.0 (2024-04-09)
New Features to 6.14.0
Added additional LEAD Terms of Service and Privacy Policy checkbox to registration form (this does not replace existing instance-specific Terms & Conditions)
Added ability to add Description to Questionnaire Fields
Style improvements for mobile screen sizes on Group Registration view
Style improvements for Topic buttons on Browse view
UI improvements in Questionnaire Builder, specific to conditional logic on a Questionnaire Field
Added option to filter by In-Person and Remote Courses when viewing the sidebar containing items available for adding to a Collection within a Learning Path
Bug Fixes to 6.14.0
Fixed bug where Local Group Leader was not authorized to send messages to their learners via My Learners view
Added context menu option for Group Managers to be able to view their Group Members' User Profiles
Fixed bug where Remote Course with specified length was not displaying on RSVP’d Users' Dashboards for the duration of the Course after its start time
Fixed bug with setting authorization status for Group Members on instances using manual compliance dates
Fixed style bug related to Groups nav on Safari at mobile screen sizes
Version 6.13.0 (2024-04-02)
New Features to 6.13.0
Added ability to customize the label appearing for Instructors (no longer hard-coded to “Instructor”)
Added ability to require completion of Questionnaires for Group registration
Group Managers can now view and edit user profiles of users in their Group
Added ability to configure Date of Birth to appear on User registration form, as well as configuring a minimum age for Users who are registering
Remote Courses now have an option to require attendance for all event dates
Added new field to enable auto-joining of Groups upon joining Learning Path
Queue fields such as “Acceptance Subject”, “Acceptance Content”, etc. are now nullable and not required for creating a Queue
Filter sidebars appearing throughout the app now have Cancel/Apply buttons pinned to bottom (no need to scroll to the bottom of a long list of filter options in order to take an action)
Length is no longer required to create or edit a Course in Nova
Added Sensitive Data attestation checkboxes for Assignments and Questionnaires
UI and Functionality improvements to Collections
Improved Group Registration view
Adding details such as description, Parent Group, premium cost and interval
Allowing a User to register members of their Family in a Group
Providing a singular simplified interface for completing Questionnaires and payment
Added ability for Groups using authorization statuses to have their members' statuses be reliant on their status in another Group (“Group Dependencies”)
Bug Fixes to 6.13.0
Fixed issues with adding Users to Groups in the backend
Fixed issue with Payment label on premium items not appearing in Browse
Fixed issue with Local Group Leaders being able to see My Team
Learning Path field now pre-populating the registration field when User registers from the Public View
Fixing redundant connections in My Family
Fixed Pending Assignments not appearing for Local Leaders
Fixed issues with Questionnaire Response downloads
Fixed issues with viewing hidden/inactive products and products not appearing with certain resources
Fixed issues with invitation emails in My Family
Fixed labeling issues in the Collection Drawer
Fixed labeling issues for moderators in My Community
Fixed issue where users could create relationships with sub-profiles that were not theirs
Version 6.12.0 (2024-03-14)
New Features to 6.12.0
Made Date of Birth a field on the User object rather than a User Meta. Now displaying “Date of Birth” on all user profile edit forms
Provided access to download Certificates for applicable Learning Paths from My Groups: Manage Learning view
Added ability to make individual Resources and Resource Packs premium
When Fee for Premium Resources/Packs is not set, the Resource/Pack can only be unlocked by Subscription to either a Product that’s directly associated with the Resource/Pack, or by a Product that is specified to unlock all Resources
When Fee for Premium Resources/Packs is set, the Resource/Pack can be unlocked as described above or by paying the fee
When sub-profile in My Family has age of 13+, require checking the box that confirms they are at least 13 years old
Added Questionnaire Field Types: Signature and File Upload
Various style and functionality improvements in My Family, including clearer language when establishing a connection to another User after being notified of the User initiating one
Bug Fixes to 6.12.0
Fixed bug with messaging a searched/filtered subset of Task assignees on the Task Management view
Fixed bug with Group Authorizable completion setting status to “authorized” despite User not having completed Initial Learning
Fixed bug with City not appearing in the table of Local Tasks on My LEAD
Version 6.11.1 (2024-03-06)
Performance Improvements and Stability Updates
Version 6.11.0 (2024-03-04)
New Features to 6.11.0
New Groups-based navigation sidebar
Place to Group conversion:
A large development effort to migrate the usage of Places to Groups in LEAD has taken place
Users should notice significant performance improvements with this change, as well as many more performance improvements in the weeks to come as we continue to optimize LEAD
Group Managers can now access Questionnaire Submissions from the Manage Learning view in Groups
Added per-instance ability to disable Assignment Submission notifications going out to Local Leaders
Added copiable Completion URL/Link for Remote Courses in the Course Management Single View
API Endpoint updates
New Course Pathable polling URL endpoint
Added Assets to Course show endpoint
Added Learning Path join endpoint
Added “This Group is a Place” Checkbox on Groups in Nova to toggle Location dropdown
Addition of My Family feature
Users will have access to My Family, where they can establish family relationships with other Users, create sub-profiles, and more.
The addition of My Family to LEAD will enable many more learning opportunities to you and your loved ones!
Added ability to set Background Check and Training dates when editing Users
Bug Fixes to 6.11.0
Fixed issue with Collections being added to Learning Paths after User joining
Fixed usage of Collections as an Elective
Fixes to Stripe integration and Stripe Portal
Fixes to 100% Coupons
Fixes for LRS authentication and data handling
Fixed Users being placed in Groups twice when joining
UI Fix for Learning Path Cards when Custom Labels are not present
Fixed pagination of Submissions when viewing Questionnaires in Questionnaire Management
Fixed issue with soft-deleted Announcements
Version 6.10.15 (2024-02-14)
New Features to 6.10.15
Added ability to set a custom label on a Learning Path which will appear on the card for the Learning Path appearing in Dashboard and Browse
Added Collections feature
This is a learning item which can be associated with Learning Paths and can be populated with Assignments, Courses, Questionnaires, Resources, and Resource Packs
Alongside setting the items listed above, an admin must also define the count of items which are required to be completed
When a learner sees a Collection in their Learning Path curriculum, they are able to select the learning items they would like to complete to mark a completion for the Collection
Added ability to make Groups premium
Payment for member access to a Group can either be done via a one-time payment pattern or via a subscription, where the member will be billed at a specified interval and cancellation or failure to pay results in loss of Group membership
Added ability to use Stripe Connect to route funds to other Connected Accounts
Stripe Connect Setup (involves some coordination with Fivable)
Once configured, a Connected Accounts management page will appear in the dropdown navigation for Admin users, and you can create Connected Accounts and copy invite links to send to those accounts' administrators.
When the other account’s administrator follows the link, they will complete a form to connect their account to yours (the platform account) and the status in LEAD will change from “Pending” to “Connected”.
Once an account is “Connected”, you are able to assign it to a Premium Group and funds from payments for that Group will be transferred into the Connected Account, rather than your platform account (which is the default behavior).
Bug Fixes to 6.10.15
Fixed bug where Learning Paths attached to Groups with the type “Assigned” would be auto-assigned to Users who weren’t members of the Group
Standardized font family used throughout app and using paragraph element in more places, where applicable
Fixed bug where User is able to bypass Learning Path prerequisites and visit Assignment directly from their User Profile
Fixed bug where the clicking the messaging option for a Group Member in the My Groups view would not display the messaging modal
Fixed bug where clicking the “Cancel” button in the messaging modal in My Groups wouldn’t close the modal
Version 6.10.14 (2024-01-17)
New Features to 6.10.14
Added ability to filter Group Members by other Groups in My Groups view
Added ability to add Child Groups to Group Members in My Groups
Note: This will only be available for Groups which have Child Groups
On successful purchase of an In-Person Course, the purchasing User will either be auto-RSVP’d to the only upcoming date for the Course or will be prompted to select one of the upcoming dates when redirected back to the Course view
Added an “Amount Paid” column to Course, Course Container, and Learning Path reports
Added a column to the Learning Path report to indicate if the User has a Completion for the Learning Path
Added a “Public” column to the list of Questionnaire in the Questionnaire Management view which will contain a clickable link to the Questionnaire if it contains a “Email (Public)” field and will be blank otherwise
Added feature to Communities to restrict Community Post creation to Admins, Global Leaders, and moderators
Community Members can still like, comment, and reply to comments
Made some general improvements to the look-and-feel of the Community views
Added columns for “Posts in last 7 days” and “Comments in last 7 days” to the Community Members view
Added a public share link to Learning Paths in Nova
This will make the Learning Path shareable to anyone, regardless of scoping or other restrictions placed on the Learning Path
Added the ability to set a Location on Groups
This includes the addition of Location Types, which are both their own entity and a required field which must be set on a Location
Bug Fixes to 6.10.14
Fixed issue where “Buy” button would persist after successful purchase of a Course if the User already had a relationship with the Course prior to making the purchase
Fixed issue in My LEAD: Learners where the “Invite Status” filter wouldn’t further filter the Users and would instead add them for the “Accepted Invite” value for the filter
When selecting a Group to join upon registration, the User will now be auto-joined to the Initial Learning Path for that Group if it’s the only Initial Learning Path and if the Learning Path is not premium
This will prevent a potential 404 from occurring on redirect to the Learning Path after registration and email verification that would occur if the Learning Path was set to be “Hidden unless assigned”
Fixed issue where restoring a soft-deleted User would restore all User Invites that were soft-deleted on or after the restored User’s deletion date
Fixed loading spinner alignment on the Learning Page
Fixed issue where resetting Course progress wouldn’t also reset any completion or quiz results for the Course
Fixed issue where a Submission for an Assignment which has “File Upload w/ WYWISYG” submission type would not successfully validate the Submission if it only contained files
Fixed issue where a User belonging to multiple Queues in a Group would be removed from the Group after rejection from the Queue
Now the User is only removed from the Group if the Queue they’re rejected from is the last one needing review for the Group
No longer displaying the “unauthorized” icon for a User’s Group status on their User Profile if their status is “accepted”
Fixed issue where the pre-creation confirmation modal for Community creation was displaying an incorrect count if the Community was only scoped by Group(s)
Fixed issue where Users with expired Subscriptions to Products granting them access to Resources continued to grant them access to all Resources
Fixed issue where Resource and Resource Pack replication in Nova didn’t copy over any Categories and Tags associated with the Resource/Pack
Version 6.10.13 (2024-01-02)
New Features to 6.10.13
Added new field type to Questionnaires: Email (Public)
Questionnaires with a field of this type will be accessible publicly and outside the context of Learning Paths and Tasks at the following URL:
When this Questionnaire is submitted by someone who is not logged in, the value for the email field will be used to either find or create a User having that email address, and the Questionnaire Response will be associated with them
Bug Fixes to 6.10.13
Fixed issue with ability to download PDF or CSV of users in Directory view
Fixed issue with scoping by Team Role for Communities and Tasks
No longer displaying “Download” button for Resources belonging to a Resource Pack which aren’t able to be downloaded (e.g., Video Resources with no URL or which have been set to embed-only)
Fixed issue with Drafts count displaying 0 unless viewing Drafts filtered view on My Courses
Fixed issue with User’s Virtus Compliance Status being improperly set to false when User has valid Training and Background Check dates and no Groups tracking Virtus
Fixed issue with being able to view and manage images on resources in Nova
Version 6.10.12 (2023-12-19)
New Features to 6.10.12
New Directory feature, allowing for viewing basic User information
Accessible to Admin and Global Leader Users, as well as
Subscribers to Products that have the “Users subscribed to this Product can view a Directory of other Users who can also view the Directory via their Product access” feature enabled (in Nova)
Added clearer feedback for completion of a Questionnaire in a Task
Replaced dropdown filter with sidebar filter on My LEAD: Learners view, allowing for selection of multiple filters
Added option to sort Community Posts by last updated / last commented
Widened the searchable dropdown field for selecting Groups in the My Courses creation workflow
Added ability to auto-assign other Place(s) when certain Place gets assigned to User
Improved My Courses list view by displaying Courses in a table and allowing for searching and filtering
Upon selecting an Initial Learning Path from the modal that appears after a User has joined a Group with more than one Initial LP, User is now redirected to the Learning Path curriculum view
Allowing the setting of only a Place or Placeless Template for a Recognition Template in Nova
This will bypass the standard logic of always using a Place Template when the User has Places assigned to them upon generation of a Certificate for a Learning Path
Added option to “Remove Mentor” when Managing Matching in My Groups
Bug Fixes to 6.10.12
Fixed issue with Local Leaders and Local Group Leaders seeing all Remote and In-Person Courses in the My Courses view; should only see Courses scoped to their Stackable Place(s) (and Group(s) in the case of Local Group Leaders)
Fixed issue with Premium Course single view displaying both the “Buy” and primary action button (“Start”, “RSVP”, or “Participate” depending on the Course type) before a user has purchased the Course
When Virtus expiry interval is updated for a Group and User’s Background Check or Training have expired, properly setting User’s Virtus Status to false (i.e., non-compliant)
Fixed issue with Users who have registered with an unsupported language and locale not seeing content that has been scoped to a supported language – will display content restricted to the first supported language if User has an unsupported language
Fixed issues with sorting and filtering Resource Libraries' Resources and Packs by Season
Fixed In-Person Courses displaying 404 on single view when all dates are past
Fixed issue of two “View” buttons appearing for Remote Courses on a Mentor’s view of a Mentee’s Learning Path
Displaying all Resources and Packs by a particular author when an author name is clicked on a Resource / Resource Pack single view
Version 6.10.11 (2023-11-22)
New Features to 6.10.11
New Resource Library feature:
Create custom Resource Libraries to help organize your LEAD resources.
Users can now create Remote Courses using the existing In-Person Course Management feature.
Users can now restart tincan and storyline courses by resetting currently saved progress.
Updates to My Groups:
Added ability to filter by Place.
Added further customization to Virtus compliance on groups, ability to toggle inclusion of Virtus Training expiry and Background check expiry in Compliance calculation.
Granted Admins the ability to bypass Learning Path and Course prerequisites.
Improved the User Experience for new users registering an account in a LEAD instance for the purpose of joining a Public Remote Course.
Improved UX of Remote Courses.
Better RSVP flow from Dashboard/Browse and the Remote Course single view.
Bug Fixes to 6.10.11
Fixed issue with URL-encoding for user uploaded Resource files.
Fixed User counts found in My LEAD / My LEAD: Learners and in Communities.
Added badge/tag to Assigned type Learning Path cards in Group Management.
Showing/hiding text messaging option in messaging modal when Twilio is enabled/disabled.
Version 6.10.10 (2023-11-07)
New Features to 6.10.10
Manual Virtus compliance dates override feature where Admin Users can manually enter dates for training and background check
Several improvements to Featured Images
Storing Featured Images in AWS S3 with a timestamp included, so non-unique filenames don’t cause an overwrite of the source file in S3
Added “Name” field to Featured Images for easier identification
Added preview of image when assigning Featured Image to an item in Nova
Altered Dashboard Community preview when the User or LEAD instance has only one Community to display the Communities list instead of the one Community’s “About” and “Guidelines” information
Removed paywall from Resource library view, allowing Users who don’t have access to Resources to see, filter, and sort Resources and Packs.
Paywall remains on single Resource and Pack views.
Calendar now loads dates from 3 months before through 12 months after the time of page load
Bug Fixes to 6.10.10
Fixed issues with sorting Group Users table on My Groups view
Fixed issues with context menu options for Group Users in table on My Groups view
Fixed issue with not auto-assigning Group Users when a Group Learning Path’s type changed to “Assigned” from something else
Changed text for Courses in the Curriculum modal accessed via the Learning Paths table on a User’s profile to say “Not Started” instead of “Failed”
Version 6.10.9 (2023-10-25)
New Features to 6.10.9
Remote Courses now stay on a User’s Dashboard for the length of their duration
Added a Table View to My Groups to display Group Users, replaces Card View when the number of Group Users is greater than 20
Added a new “Assigned” Learning Path association type for Groups, this will auto-assign the Learning Path to the Group’s Users when the Learning Path is added to the Group and when Users join the Group
Added new ability to pin Community Posts to the top of a Community feed
Added confirmation modal when creating and editing a Community
Several improvements to the Resource Library:
Improved readability of Resource titles
Increased Resources shown per page
Added button for clearing/resetting filters
Bug Fixes to 6.10.9
Fixed issues with clearing saved filters on My Learners
Fixed issues with showing incorrect curriculum item statuses on LP Curriculum View in My Profile
Updated Tincan and Storyline completion logic to not created duplicated passed/100% LRS Results
Fixed Assignment Submission notifications for certain Group setups
Fixed issue with User Invites
Fixed issue with Courses marked hidden from Library appearing in the Catalog on User Profile
Fixed issue on Community Members table pagination
Fixed issue with Cohorts giving access to incorrect Terms on occasion
Misc. performance improvements and optimization
Version 6.10.8 (2023-10-11)
New Features to 6.10.8
Added option to disabled completion notifications for Courses
Added Coupons
Coupons info (if applicable) will show in Learning Path Reports
Coupons can be auto-applied to users who are subscribed to a specific Product
Added Learning Path status filters (in progress, not started, complete) to My Groups
Added Products to User Scoping on Announcements in Nova (admin)
Added more details to Upcoming Remote Course reminder notifications
Started tracking “last activity” for Users and displaying this on User Profile and My LEAD
Updated formatting of the Questionnaire Responses CSV download
Added Questionnaire Responses download for Users in Queue in Group Management
Updated behavior of Complete Profile button - displays until User’s Street Address Line 1 is filled in
Bug Fixes to 6.10.8
Fixed Conditional Logic issues on Questionnaire Management
Fixed Content alignment in the page footer
Fixed issues with 30 day login notification being sent to incorrect users
Fixed Learning Path notification being sent to Global Leaders
Fixed User Profile picture uploads
Fixed My LEAD: Learners PDF download server errors